
Best Tips On Stardew Valley Collections And How To Get Them

The Collections tab serves as a kind of log of the goods that have been found or shipped, along with the quantity of each.

Items Shipped

This tab records the kind and quantity of particular goods transported through The Farm’s Shipping Bin.

First page

Forageable ItemsWild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, Dandelion, Cave Carrot, Coconut, Cactus Fruit, Fiddlehead Fern, Morel, Chanterelle, Salmonberry, Holly
CropsParsnip, Green Bean, Cauliflower, Potato, Garlic, Kale, Rhubarb, Melon, Tomato, Blueberry, Hot Pepper, Wheat, Radish, Red Cabbage, Starfruit, Corn, Unmilled Rice, Eggplant, Artichoke, Pumpkin, Bok Choy, Yam, Cranberries, Beet
FruitsBanana, Poppy, Clam, Amaranth
Animal ProductsLarge Egg (White), Egg (White), Egg (Brown), Large Egg (Brown), Milk, Large Milk, Ostrich Egg, Void Egg
Artisan GoodsMayonnaise, Duck Mayonnaise, Void Mayonnaise, Pale Ale, Pickles (any), Jelly (any), Beer, Wine, Juice, Honey
Ores and BarsClay, Copper Bar, Iron Bar, Gold Bar, Iridium Bar, Refined Quartz, Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Coal, Gold Ore


Whether a crab pot or a fishing rod is used, this tab records the kind and quantity of fish that are caught. When fish are caught or removed from crab pots, entries are entered. Fish can be shipped and still be included in the collection.

Fish obtained by buying from Krobus or The Travelling Cart, dropped by foes, mined from mussels nodes, or foraged from The Beach do not go towards the Fish Collection.


This tab records the kind and quantity of Artefacts gathered. After the artefact is located, entries are added. For an artefact to be included in the collection, it is not necessary for it to be delivered via the shipping bin or donated to the museum.

It should be noted that items discovered in Artefact Troves, Fishing Treasure Chests, or by tilling dirt in the mines could not show up as found in the collections tab. This might be fixed by dragging the artefact outside of the inventory window and letting it be re-invented. This can also be fixed by keeping the artefact in inventory for the entire night.

Additionally, take note of the fact that even though the inventory description states, “Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate it to the museum,” the descriptions of the artefacts appear on the collections tab as soon as they are discovered.


The kind and quantity of minerals that are gathered are monitored in this tab. When a mineral is taken into inventory, entries are added. To be registered, a mineral does not have to be sent or given to the museum.

Be aware that the minerals in the collections page might not match those found in Fishing Treasure Chests. This might be fixed by dragging the mineral outside of the inventory window and permitting it to be restocked. This might also be fixed by keeping the mineral in stock for the entire night.

It is worth noting that the descriptions of minerals may be found on the collections page immediately upon discovery, despite the inventory description stating that “Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate it to the museum.”


The kind and quantity of food the player has “cooked” in the Farmhouse kitchen are recorded in this tab. For dishes to be included in the collection, shipping is not required. Recipes that are known but haven’t been prepared yet show up as greyed out. Unknown recipe dishes display “???”.

What do you think?

Written by Jessica

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